Strategic Directions

Our Mandate

The English-Speaking Union (Victoria Branch) is a charity established for the purpose of making the English-speaking peoples of the world better known to each other and of engaging in any educational work designed to further that end

Note: The ESU shares the outlook of Winston Churchill, former Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of the British Empire, in his A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (1956-58) in defining the English-speaking peoples as the people of the British Isles and their descendants who settled in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

Our Vision  

An engaged community embracing our English-speaking heritage, culture, identity and connections

Our Mission

To shape the future by promoting the heritage, culture, identity and fellowship of the English-speaking peoples

Our Values

LOYALTY: we love and advocate the heritage and culture of the English-speaking peoples

CO-OPERATION: we establish and foster personal and community relationships

RESPONSIBILITY: we hold ourselves accountable for supporting and providing quality educational, cultural and community programs to support our vision

RESPECT: we act with integrity, ensuring what we do is ethical and honest

Our Strategic Pillars

Consolidate our Culture - by promoting and advocating the traditions and identity of the English-speaking peoples

Be active within the Community - by sponsoring our cause actively in the community

Develop our Capability and Capacity - by being an effective and efficient organisation


Click to download the ESU (Victoria Branch) Constitution

This page was updated on 6 May 2024.